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How to fix HTML validation errors - on AMP website

I have created an AMP website - https://full-moon-report.com/ It has no AMP errors but it has a lot of HTML errors when I check it in the HTML validator:


The errors are:

//this happens with both the "amp" or the lightning symbol.

Error: Attribute amp not allowed on element html at this point.

Error: Attribute custom-element not allowed on element script at this point. </scri

Error: Attribute amp-custom not allowed on element style at this point.

Error: Attribute amp-boilerplate not allowed on element style at this point.

Error: Attribute action-xhr not allowed on element form at this point.

Error: Attribute submit-success not allowed on element div at this point.

Error: Bad value for attribute role on element textarea.

Warning: Attribute [hidden] is not serializable as XML 1.0.

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all of the errors are amp related. What am I doing wrong please?

You're trying to validate an AMP document as if it were HTML.

I'm not aware of any validation tool which supports AMP.

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