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How I can stop Python Rocket From Appearing in Python 3.8?

Here is my code:

import matplotlib.pyplot
from graph_tool import *
from graph_tool import draw

if __name__ == '__main__':

    g = Graph()

    v1 = g.add_vertex()
    v2 = g.add_vertex()

    e = g.add_edge(v1, v2)    

    draw.graph_draw(g, vertex_text=g.vertex_index, output="two-nodes.pdf")

I am using Python 3.8 and I run this code on Mac Os Catalina 10.15.6. My problem is after the line "from graph_tool import draw" is executed, Python rocket appears in Dock. I think it is very annoying and I don't want to see it. I edited the file:


I added "LSUIElement 1" at the end of the file, just before " ". However, this did not resolve the problem. If anyone knows how I can prevent that annoying rocket from appearing, it will be highly appreciated.

With my respects

Instead of

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

It's important that the first two lines come before the line import matplotlib.pyplot as plt . This seems to be an issue with python on OS X, especially with matplotlib. By Default, on OS X, matplotlib uses the macosx backend which is a interactive Backend(Which causes the rocket ship). This Code changes the default backend to the Agg backend, which is non-interactive.

You can find more details on https://leancrew.com/all-this/2014/01/stopping-the-python-rocketship-icon/

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