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Cannot click on checkbox using selenium in java

I am trying to filter out names of books in Amazon, so after I navigated successfully and after I serached for my desired book I tried to filter out all the books that are in english on the side filter panel

When I am trying in my code to click on the 'English' languge checkbox, it does click on something but the checkbox not being checked as expected, this is the html: 在此处输入图像描述

and this is my code:

        List<WebElement> list = driverWrapper.findElements(By.cssSelector("ul[aria-labelledby='p_n_feature_nine_browse-bin-title'] li"));
        for(WebElement elem: list){

EDIT: This is the complete element html:

<li id="p_n_feature_nine_browse-bin/3291437011" aria-label="English" class="a-spacing-micro" xpath="1"><span class="a-list-item">                      <a data-routing="" class="a-link-normal s-navigation-item" tabindex="-1" href="/s?k=lord+of+the+rings+the+two+towers&amp;i=stripbooks-intl-ship&amp;rh=p_n_feature_nine_browse-bin%3A3291437011&amp;dc&amp;crid=23TXZEAWG63AR&amp;qid=1595601320&amp;rnid=3291435011&amp;sprefix=lord+of+the+rings+%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C314&amp;ref=sr_nr_p_n_feature_nine_browse-bin_1">            <div class="a-checkbox a-checkbox-fancy s-navigation-checkbox aok-float-left"><label><input type="checkbox" name="" value=""><i class="a-icon a-icon-checkbox"></i><span class="a-label a-checkbox-label"></span></label></div>      <span class="a-size-base a-color-base" dir="auto">English</span>              </a>         </span></li>

You need to send the click on the input tag. the click is going somewhere else. Modify the CSS/Xpath to reach the input below. Hope that should help!

You can try to findElements using xpath instead of cssSelector Here is the link of how you can do it -> https://stackoverflow.com/a/54746459/11278696

The problem was that this checkbox is actually a link checkbox so what is needed to do is to click on the element


and that's would do the trick!

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