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Foreach Loop and if statement using PHP

I want to edit a JSON object, so made method called alterJSON the function find the specific JSON array from the database and then change the key-values based on the parameters was given so my question is as you can see in this foreach loop there is an (if statement)

foreach( $decoded as $index => $product ){
                    if( $product->$key == $item) {
                        echo ('found');
                        $decoded[ $index ]->$key = $value;
                        $json = json_encode( $decoded );
                            ':json' =>  $json,
                            ':id'   =>  $bid

the loop will print found and make some changes on the $JSON by MySQL query and that's perfectly working, but it will only find the JSON object or item even if there are more then one item in the same key-value so, I want to make another condition in the statement that checks a unique key-value called id so how can I accomplish that? I made some attempts and failed.

what I have tried

public function AlterJSON( $bid=false, $item=false, $key=false, $Product, $id, $value=false ){
            if( $bid && $item && $key && $value && $Product && $this->connected === true ){
                $stmt=$this->connection->prepare('select `items` from `bills` where `id`=:id');
                $stmt->execute( [ ':id' => $bid ] );
                $fetched = $stmt->fetchColumn();
                $decoded = json_decode( $fetched );
                $stmt=$this->connection->prepare('update `bills` set `items`=:json where id=:id');
                foreach( $decoded as $index => $product ){
                    if( $product->$key == $item  && $product->$id == $Product) {
                        echo ('found');
                        $decoded[ $index ]->$key = $value;
                        $json = json_encode( $decoded );
                            ':json' =>  $json,
                            ':id'   =>  $bid
                return true;
            return false;
        } catch( PDOException $e ){
            return $this->errors === true ? $this->error( $e->getMessage() ) : false;

function call:-

    $call =  $dbConnection->AlterJSON( $BillID, $CurrentPrice,'price', $ProductID,'id', $ProductPrice );

Have you tried to simply put the $stmt=$this->connection->prepare into the foreach loop?

Just be sure, the function AlterJSON have a variable $Product but when you call this AlterJSON you use $ProductID , can you use $ProductID for both two variables? The PHP is case sensitive for variables. So it's good, but I for the readable it's better.

And other trick in if( $product->$key if $key not exist in $product will produce an error. Yeah, you have a try catch, but if the replacement is in N loop you will lose the possibility of this update. I would install protection before the $product->$key to just be sure the key exists.

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