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Adding angular as maven module in maven project

I am working in multi maven project which is separated in the following modules:

  • rest layer
  • service layer
  • repository layer

I want to add another module called view layer, ui of the application. The only problem is that ui is angular, and i need somehow to integrate angular app in maven module for this project.

I created a new maven module called view layer. Added the following plugin it maven module pom of view layer like below:

            <id>install node and npm</id>
            <id>npm install</id>
            <id>npm run build</id>
                <arguments>run build</arguments>
                <arguments>run-script build</arguments>

And generated an angular app with angular cli inside src/main/web directory of view module. Unfortunately the build is failing, it is not finding the package.json.

I will appreciate any help.

Regards, Darth Bato.

I do it this way to add angular as a maven module, in a multi maven project.

First thing I add a simple maven module by skipping the archetype selection. I modify the pom by adding the following configurations:



                        <id>npm install</id>
                        <id>npm build</id>


Next, I delete all the content in the module I created only leaving the pom file. I delete the src folder, test folder, etc that are creating when we create a Maven module.

After that, I create a new angular app by using ANGULAR CLI. I move all the content of the angular app(src, dist, nodes_modules, etc) to the maven module project.

In the end, to check if everything is ok, I run a maven build to parent maven project to see if everything compiles successfully.

i think your


is not correcte since you've not added the module name

like this


thats is why it cannot get your package.json

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