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Symbolic `show` for `SInt16`

I am looking for a way to turn an SInt16 into an SString . For my use case, it is enough that it does the right thing for concrete values, ie I will only be looking at the SString result for concrete SInt16 s.

I noticed there is a Show instance for SInt16 , which (of course) returns a String . It is almost good enough for my needs: for symbolic values, it returns "<symbolic>:: SInt16" and for concrete values eg 42, it returns "42:: SInt16" . So if not for that pesky type tag, I could use literal. show @SInt16 literal. show @SInt16 as my SInt16 -> SString function.

Is there a better way than editing the return value of show to cut out the type tag?

Something like this should do the trick:

import Data.SBV
import Data.SBV.String

toString :: (SymVal a, Show a) => SBV a -> SString
toString = literal . maybe "<symbolic>" show . unliteral

I get:

*Main> toString (2 :: SInt16)
"2" :: SString
*Main> toString (uninterpret "n" :: SInt16)
"<symbolic>" :: SString

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