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How to use inject String using injectable and get_it in flutter?

 abstract class ChatApiService extends ChopperService { 
  @Post(path: "/logout")
  Future<Response> logout(
  @Body() Map<String, dynamic> body,);
  static ChatApiService create(String accessToken){
   final client = ChopperClient(
    baseUrl: 'localhost:8000',
    services: [_$ChatApiService()],
    converter: JsonConverter(),
    client: http.IOClient(
     HttpClient()..connectionTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 60),
    interceptors: [
      'Accept': 'application/json',
      'Authorization':'Bearer $accessToken'
return _$ChatApiService(client);

the messange when running build runner says that the factoryMethod depends on String which is not injectable... so how would you inject String

Generally you can inject primitive or third party types using a module

abstract class RegisterModule{
//register the string as a named type
 String get accessToken => "myAccessToken";

now in your factory method or constructor annotated your injectable string with @named

  static ChatApiService create(@Named('accessToken') String accessToken){}

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