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Custom Object for Cloud Firestore in Node.js runs in snapshot.data is not a function error

I'm working on a web application which receives notifications from an Node.js server. I use Firebase Cloud Firestore as database. Both peaces of code are in the same js file and I've initialized my database and Firebase admin correctly (other operations work). I want to save pulled data from the database in a custom object:

// define logentry for user
class LogEntryUser {
  constructor(token, email){
    this.token = token;
    this.email = email;
    return this.token;
    return this.email;

// Firebase data converter
logConverterUser = {
  toFirestore: function(logentryuser){
    return {
      token: logentryuser.token,
      email: logentryuser.email
  fromFirestore: function(snapshot, options){
    const data = snapshot.data(options);
    return new LogEntryUser(data.token, data.email)

Here is the code for reading the data from the Cloud Firestore:

      querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
          // convert to log object and read token
          logentryuser = snapshot.data();
          var registrationToken = logentryuser.getToken();

Running this script runs in an error:

(node:1648) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: snapshot.data is not a function at Object.fromFirestore.

I've used the same code in another js project and everything works fine. I have no idea how to solve this problem. Can anyone help me?

Best wishes keved

For some reason the withConverter method is passing the actual data instead of snapshot into fromFirestore function. Changing fromFirestore as below fixed it for me.

// Firebase data converter
logConverterUser = {
  toFirestore: function(logentryuser){
    return {
      token: logentryuser.token,
      email: logentryuser.email
  fromFirestore: function(snapshot){
    const data = snapshot;
    return new LogEntryUser(data.token, data.email)

In a Node.js Server you can use a 'normal' Javascript Object to store the snapshot. The following code solved my problem:

  querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
      var user = snapshot.data();
      var registrationToken = user.token;

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