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Using Orderby before GroupBy in Laravel

I have a table that I want to select product_name with lowest/min price the following:

product_name | price 
Cat          |   12
Dog          |   21
Cat          |   14
Dog          |   20
Fish         |   10
Fish         |    3

THE DESIRE Output should be

Cat  | 12
Dog  | 20
Fish | 3


$products = DB::table('products')
            ->orderBy('products.products_price', 'asc')

When I used this script, it only shows the highest/max price, not the lowest price

You need an aggregate instead of ordering. For Laravel, that means passing in the columns along with a DB::raw:

$products = DB::table('products')
        ->orderBy('products.products_price', 'asc')
        ->select(['product_name', DB::raw('min(price) as price')])

Edit for ID

Taking off the answer here: SQL: Group by minimum value in one field while selecting distinct rows the mysql query would be

SELECT p1.*     
FROM products p1 INNER JOIN
        SELECT product_name, MIN(price) AS as min_price
        FROM products
        GROUP BY product_name
    ) p2 ON p1.product_name = p2.product_name AND p1.price = p2.min_price

Now we have to convert it to Query Builder

$products = DB::table('products AS p1')
    SELECT product_name, MIN(price) AS as min_price
    FROM products
    GROUP BY product_name
) AS p2'), 
       $join->on('p1.product_name', '=', 'p2.product_name');
       $join->on('p1.price', '=', 'p2.min_price');
    ->get(['p1.id', 'p1.product_name', 'p1.price']);

This has not been tested, so I hope it works


You are not defining that the price attribute should be aggregated to a minimum.


If you want the max price you need to select the MIN() aggregation. You can do this by using ->selectRaw('MIN(price) as max_price') .

Please Note:

If you want other attributes also selected simply add them comma separated.

->selectRaw('name, MAX(price) as max_price')


Do you still use the oderBy? If not, try it with orderBy('products.products_price', 'ASC')

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