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Powershell - Get User information from AD list

I'm a beginner in programming in general.. What I'm trying to do is to create a powershell script that will:

  • Get information on each user on an Active Directory group.

  • Inside each group there may be another group, so I would want it to get the list of users from each nested group as well.

  • Only give me the information for each group once.

This is what I have so far:

$list = Get-ADGroupMember Admins

foreach($u in $list) {
    Get-ADObject $u

foreach ($_ in $u) {
    if ($u.ObjectClass -eq 'user') { 
        Get-ADUser $u -Properties * | select givenname, surname, samaccountname | ft -autosize
    } else { 
        Get-ADGroupMember $u -Recursive | select name, samaccountname | ft -autosize

So far I'm trying to get it to work with that one group 'Admins' and then if it does I would want to run the code for more groups at the same time.

Any help or guidance would be appreciated.

You seem to want only properties that are returned by default by Get-ADUser aswell as Get-ADGroup , so in both cases, there is no need to specify the -Properties parameter.

Get-ADGroupMember can return user, computer and group objects, so at the moment, your else condition expects groups, where you could end up with a computer object..

In your code, you output to console with ft -autosize both in the if and the else , but it would be simpler to capture both types of resulting objects in a variable at the start of the loop and output it as a whole afterwards:

# you can load a list of group names from a predefined array:
$Groups = 'Admins', 'Users'

# or load from a file, each group name listed on a separate line:
# $Groups = Get-Content -Path 'D:\Test\ADGroups.txt'

# or get all AD groups in the domain:
# $Groups = (Get-ADGroup -Filter *).Name

$result = foreach ($group in $Groups) {
    Get-ADGroup -Filter "Name -eq '$group'" | ForEach-Object {
        # we could use the $group variable, but this ensures correct casing
        $groupName = $_.Name
        $members = $_ | Get-ADGroupMember -Recursive
        foreach ($member in $members) {
            if ($member.objectClass -eq 'user') {
                Get-ADUser -Identity $member.DistinguishedName |
                Select-Object @{Name="GroupName"; Expression={$groupName}},
            elseif ($member.objectClass -eq 'group') {
                Get-ADGroup -Identity $member.DistinguishedName |
                Select-Object @{Name="GroupName";Expression={$groupName}},
                              @{Name="GivenName";Expression={''}},  # groups don't have this property
                              @{Name="Surname";Expression={''}},    # groups don't have this property

# output is console
$result | Format-Table -AutoSize

# write to CSV file
$result | Export-Csv -Path 'D:\Test\GroupsInfo.csv' -NoTypeInformation

The trick is here to output objects with equal properties for both a user and a group object

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