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Discord.py task is not running

I'm trying to add a background task to my cog in Discord.py, but the task isn't running.

The cog:

class ComicPoster(Cog):
    def __init__(self, bot):
        self.bot: Bot = bot

    async def comic_update(self):
        log.info('Updating all comics')

The rest of the cog works (event listeners, commands, etc), but the task never runs for some reason. How can I get it to run?

You need to start the task. You can do this in the constructor ( __init__ ).

Here is what it should look like:

def __init__(self, bot):
    self.bot: Bot = bot
    # the new line of code

The self.comic_update.start() starts that task and it will loop every five seconds now.

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