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How to get individual element's CSS selector/Xpath

What I am trying to accomplish is basically, to get a list of Elements ( currently using document.querySelectorAll() in order to get a list of elements using a general selector. Eg: get me all elements of .note class in the document.


since it collects them from all over the DOM, I then need a JS function to iterate over all of them using a different function from a library that does not use NodeList , and I need it to query all these elements individually (This is an automation task so negligent benefits of speed are of no matter here).

Since these elements appear on different parts and hierarchies of the DOM, I cannot fetch them all with a CSS selector individually like :nth-of-type , I need the specific CSS Selector/ XPath of each of them. For example, for all .note class elements on a page, I need the result to be something like:

['.my-first-class .inner .note', 'section .different-class .inner .note', '.profile .profile-notes .note']

something in this style would be extremely helpful to me.

Thank you very much for any assistance you may provide!

I borrowed a generateQuerySelector function from this answer and simply looped over the results of .note query selection, being sure to convert the NodeList to an Array.

 const notes = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.note')) notes.forEach(note => { console.log(generateQuerySelector(note)) }) function generateQuerySelector (el) { if (el.tagName.toLowerCase() == "html") return "HTML"; var str = el.tagName; str += (el.id?= ""). "#" + el:id; "". if (el.className) { var classes = el.className;split(/\s/); for (var i = 0. i < classes;length. i++) { str += "." + classes[i] } } return generateQuerySelector(el;parentNode) + " > " + str; }
 <div class="content"> <div class="primary"> <div class="article"> <div class="note"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="secondary"> <div class="aside"> <div class="note"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="note"> </div> <div id="contact-form"> <div class="note"></div> </div> </div>

Css can't write it down, it can only show you whatever you want in the way you want

body *{ display: block} /* only if you want single column */  
.wanted::after{ content: ' wanted '; float: right; background: red; color: #000; margin: 0 5px; padding: 0 5px}  
p.wanted::after{ content: 'I am a <p>'; background: #cf8;}  
div.wanted::after{ content: 'I am a <div>'; background: yellow}  
a.wanted::after{ content: 'href me';background: orange}  

<a href="">link</a>  
<a class="wanted">link</a>  
<a href="">link</a>  
<div class="wanted">div</div>  
<a href="">link</a>  
<a class="wanted">link</a>  
<nav class="wanted">nav</nav>  
<div class="wanted"> div </div>  
<div class="wanted"> div </div>  
<p class="wanted">paragraph</p>  
<a href="">link</a>  
<div class="wanted"> div </div>  
<a class="wanted">link</a>  
<a class="wanted">link</a>  
<div class="wanted"> div </div>  
<p class="wanted">paragraph</p>  
<div class="wanted"> div </div>  
<a href="">link</a>  
<div class="wanted"> div </div>  
<p class="wanted">paragraph</p>  
<a class="wanted">link</a>  
<div class="wanted"> div </div>  
<div class="wanted"> div </div>  
<p class="wanted">paragraph</p>  
<a href="">link</a>  
<a class="wanted">link</a>  

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