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Dataframe changing question with time series data with pandas

I have this dataframe:


The event-time is certain time, date-time column is every 10 min with a specific price. Continues for 4 hours after event time and 2 hours before the event for each security. I have thousands of securities. I want to create a plot that i x-axis starts from -12 to 24 which is event time to -2 hour to 4 hours after. y-axis price change. Is any way to synchronize date-time in python for security.

If you're looking to simply plot the data pandas should handle your datetimes for you assuming they are in datetime formats instead of strings.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

event_time = pd.to_datetime('2024-04-28T07:52:00')
date_time = pd.date_range(event_time, periods=24, freq=pd.to_timedelta(10, 'minute'))
df = pd.DataFrame({'date_time': date_time, 'change': np.random.normal(size=len(date_time))})

ax = df.plot(x='date_time', y='change')


However if you're wanting to remove the specific times from the x axis and just count up from zero you could use the index as the x-axis:

df['_index'] = df.index
ax = df.plot(x='_index', y='change')


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