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How get property value with reflection in C#

I have a date-time variable like this:

DateTime myDate=DateTime.Now; // result is like this: 8/2/2020 12:54:07 PM

and I want to get myDate variable like this

DateTime getOnlyDate=myDate.Date; 

and I want to get myDate.Date; with reflection how can I get Date property value with reflection? with reflection I do something like this:

PropertyInfo myDate = typeof(DateTime).GetProperty("Date");

but I don`t know how can I request myDate.Date; value with reflection. thanks in advance

Once you've retrieved the PropertyInfo , you fetch the value with PropertyInfo.GetValue , passing in "the thing you want to get the property from" (or null for a static property).

Here's an example:

using System;
using System.Reflection;

class Program
    static void Main()
        DateTime utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
        PropertyInfo dateProperty = typeof(DateTime).GetProperty("Date");
        PropertyInfo utcNowProperty = typeof(DateTime).GetProperty("UtcNow");
        // For instance properties, pass in the instance you want to
        // fetch the value from. (In this case, the DateTime will be boxed.)
        DateTime date = (DateTime) dateProperty.GetValue(utcNow);
        Console.WriteLine($"Date: {date}");
        // For static properties, pass in null - there's no instance
        // involved.
        DateTime utcNowFromReflection = (DateTime) utcNowProperty.GetValue(null);
        Console.WriteLine($"Now: {utcNowFromReflection}");

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