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How Can I Active Virtual Environment Using .bat File?

I have finished working on Django project, but I don't want to Deploy it to the server right now I want to use this system on my local host. I tried to create a file with bat extension, and this one is to open the project on the Chrome browser This file will work when opened The question is how with this file can I run the project virtual environment

The code that works is 'manager.bat':

start cmd /k start chrome
cd manager/venv/Manager 
python manage.py runserver

But when adding this statement:


Then, when executing the file again, it exits the cmd without executing anything

Code not working:

start cmd /k start chrome
cd manager/venv
cd Scripts
cd ..
cd Manager
python manage.py runserver
  • 'activate' instruction is to activate the virtual environment, when I type it on cmd it works successfully,, look: [enter image description here][1] The idea is that I don't want every time to open the cmd, run the virtual environment, and run the server manually

[This is on cmd and it works][1] [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/k5XIe.png

Open Notepad and Write the following code, also change directory name as your need and save it as ***.bat file in your desktop

@echo off
cmd /k "cd /d E:\ProjectsFolder\projectenv\Scripts & activate & cd /d    E:\ProjectsFolder\projectenv\myproject & python manage.py runserver"

Maybe this link help you to Activate environment, run the project then open the browser.

try to follow it

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