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How to retrieve elements from soap Payload in WSO2 EI 6.1.1

I am having below soap payload which comes from WSO2 DSS endpoint.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <Response xmlns="http://ws.wso2.org/dataservice">

I want to extract count values from above payload. i tried like "//RestrictionCount/count/text()" by using Online xpath expression tool which gives me result, but in coding i tried the same by using property mediator expression like below which doesn't working for me

<property expression="//RestrictionCount/count/text()" name="count" scope="default" type="STRING"/>

Can anyone please help me into this?

Since you're dealing with namespaces, use local-name() to select the element:

<property expression="//*[local-name()='RestrictionCount']/*[local-name()='count']/text()" name="count" scope="default" type="STRING"/>

Or better, declare the namespace properly just before your XPath expression:

<property xmlns:ns="http://ws.wso2.org/dataservice" expression="//ns:RestrictionCount/ns:count/text()" name="count" scope="default" type="STRING"/>

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