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React-Router Link

I am using react-bootstrap components (Card). I want to get redirected to '/abc:id' when clicked on the attachment link. But getting redirected to '/xyz' while wanting it to redirect '/xyz' when clicked on the anywhere on card but Attachment.

     onClick={() => history.push({
     pathname: '/xyz'
      <Link to={'/abc'+id} className="text-info">
         <i className="fas fa-paperclip" />
          <span> Attachment</span>

You can stopPropagation , as currently it is going to /xyz after /abc:id .

  onClick={e => e.stopPropagation()}

stopPropagation stops the event from bubbling up the event chain. You can check this answer .

Or you can wrap your Card in a Link and remove onClick from Card.

    pathname: '/xyz',
  <Card className={classes.style1}>
      <Link to={`/abc${id}`} className="text-info">
        <i className="fas fa-paperclip" />
        <span> Attachment</span>

Try this one, please, and the question if any component renders on that route

<Link to={`/abc${id}`} className="text-info">
         <i className="fas fa-paperclip" />
          <span> Attachment</span>

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