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Authorization Bearer token is not included for request

I am trying to run my autotests with serenity and rest-assured, but the token is not included in my request generation method. The method of getting the token itself works correctly. tell me what could be the reason.

public class ApiSteps {

    private String token;

    public String getAccessToken() {
        RequestSpecification requestSpec = RestAssured.with();
        Response giveToken = RestAssured.given()
                .formParam("username", "user")
                .formParam("password", "pass")
        DocumentContext doc = JsonPath.parse(giveToken.asString());
        token = doc.read("access_token");
        return token;

    final RequestSpecification spec = new RequestSpecBuilder()
            .addHeader("Accept", "text/plain")
            .addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + getAccessToken())

    public void testRest() {

when starting a test in a request - null. I tried to mark with the annotation @Before, but the result is the same


You need to move the method for getting the token into a separate class and use it as follows:

NameClass nameClass = new NameClass();

.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + getAccessToken())

and here use the method of this class:


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