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How to assign vat value calling from php to Javascript for my function in easy way?

I want to assign a value ($productVatValue) taking from php to javascript using JSON, how I can achieve that for my code?

here is the code on Javascript

var vat = (Number($("#subTotal").val())/100) * $productVatValue;
    vat = vat.toFixed(2);

and here is the fetchOrderVat.php that calls the vat value


require_once 'core.php';

$sql = "SELECT vat FROM usercompany WHERE id = 1";
$result = $connect->query($sql);

if($result->num_rows > 0) { 
 $row = $result->fetch_array();
} // if num_rows


echo json_encode($row);

There is a little change in your first line of javascript code.

Simply change

var vat = (Number($("#subTotal").val())/100) * $productVatValue;


var vat = (Number($("#subTotal").val())/100) * <?php echo $productVatValue; ?>

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