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Taking input with discord.py

So I'm making a bot with discord.py and I have left a bounty saying that anyone who can solve the riddle gets 50$, Now I want my users to post their answer to the bot in the dms, and this is the code i wrote!

async def answer(ctx, answer):
    print(Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + "[" + current_time + "] " + (ctx.author.name +"#"+ ctx.author.discriminator) + " Gave the Following Answer: " + answer)
    await ctx.author.send("**`Your Answer Has Been Submitted, Please Be Patient As We Review!`**")
    await ctx.author.send("Your Answer is: " + answer)

Now the thing about this is, it takes only the first word as the answer, while I want the bot to send the entire thing to me, how do I do that?

I tried using string indexes like answer[0:] and also tried adding str to the answer, nothing works...

Since you're using @client.command , this is documented within Discord.py's documentation (example lifted from the documentation page):

async def test(ctx, *, arg):
    await ctx.send(arg)

In your case,

async def answer(ctx, *, answer):
    print(Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + "[" + current_time + "] " + (ctx.author.name +"#"+ ctx.author.discriminator) + " Gave the Following Answer: " + answer)
    await ctx.author.send("**`Your Answer Has Been Submitted, Please Be Patient As We Review!`**")
    await ctx.author.send("Your Answer is: " + answer)

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