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Cannot convert value of type 'Published<Bool>.Publisher' to expected argument type 'Binding<Bool>'

When trying to compile the following code:

class LoginViewModel: ObservableObject, Identifiable {
    @Published var mailAdress: String = ""
    @Published var password: String = ""
    @Published var showRegister = false
    @Published var showPasswordReset = false

    private let applicationStore: ApplicationStore

    init(applicationStore: ApplicationStore) {
        self.applicationStore = applicationStore

    var passwordResetView: some View {
        PasswordResetView(isPresented: $showPasswordReset) // This is where the error happens

Where PasswordResetView looks like this:

struct PasswordResetView: View {
    @Binding var isPresented: Bool
    @State var mailAddress: String = ""
    var body: some View {

I get the error compile error

Cannot convert value of type 'Published<Bool>.Publisher' to expected argument type 'Binding<Bool>'

If I use the published variable from outside the LoginViewModel class it just works fine:

struct LoginView: View {
    @ObservedObject var viewModel: LoginViewModel

    init(viewModel: LoginViewModel) {
      self.viewModel = viewModel
    var body: some View {
            PasswordResetView(isPresented: self.$viewModel.showPasswordReset)

Any suggestions what I am doing wrong here? Any chance I can pass a published variable as a binding from inside the owning class?


** Still new to Combine & SwiftUI so not sure if there is better way to approach **

You can initalize Binding from publisher.


let binding = Binding(
    get: { [weak self] in
        (self?.showPasswordReset ?? false)
    set: { [weak self] in
        self?.showPasswordReset = $0

PasswordResetView(isPresented: binding)

Here is possible approach - the idea to make possible observation in generated view and avoid tight coupling between factory & presenter.

Tested with Xcode 12 / iOS 14 (for older systems some tuning might be needed)

protocol ResetViewModel {
    var showPasswordReset: Bool { get set }

struct PasswordResetView<Model: ResetViewModel & ObservableObject>: View {
    @ObservedObject var resetModel: Model

    var body: some View {
        if resetModel.showPasswordReset {
            Text("Show password reset")
        } else {
            Text("Show something else")

class LoginViewModel: ObservableObject, Identifiable, ResetViewModel {
    @Published var mailAdress: String = ""
    @Published var password: String = ""
    @Published var showRegister = false
    @Published var showPasswordReset = false

    private let applicationStore: ApplicationStore

    init(applicationStore: ApplicationStore) {
        self.applicationStore = applicationStore

    var passwordResetView: some View {
        PasswordResetView(resetModel: self)

I think the important thing to understand here is what "$" does in the Combine context.

What "$" does is to publish the changes of the variable "showPasswordReset" where it is being observed.

when it precedes a type, it doesn't represent the type you declared for the variable (Boolean in this case), it represents a publisher, if you want the value of the type, just remove the "$".

"$" is used in the context where a variable was marked as an @ObservedObject, (the ObservableObject here is LoginViewModel and you subscribe to it to listen for changes in its variables market as publishers)

struct ContentView: View {
       @ObservedObject var loginViewModel: LoginViewModel...

in that context (the ContentView for example) the changes of "showPasswordReset" are going to be 'Published' when its value is updated so the view is updated with the new value.

For error that states: "Cannot convert value of type 'Binding' to expected argument type 'Bool'" solution is to use wrappedValue as in example below.

If you have MyObject object with property isEnabled and you need to use that as vanilla Bool type instead of 'Binding' then do this myView.disabled($myObject.isEnabled.wrappedValue)

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