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How to run ffmpeg with php in debian 10

i am trying to run a ffmpeg command with my php in Debian 10, but its not working, but the command is working perfectly in windows. The command is to add a watermark and a text at the bottom of the video. Here is the php code

    echo file_exists($new_file)? "<video autoplay src='$new_file'></video>":"No file";
    $cmd="ffmpeg -i $video_name -i watermark.jpg -filter_complex overlay=W-w-5:H-h-15[video];[video]drawtext=\"text=$text:fontcolor=white:fontsize=12:x=(w-text_w)-5: y=(h-text_h)-5\" $new_file";
    exec("$cmd 2>&1", $output);

I am getting this in the browser

array(1) { [0]=> string(103) "sh: 1: [video]drawtext=text=eloke:fontcolor=white:fontsize=12:x=(w-text_w)-5: y=(h-text_h)-5: not found" }

Please what am i doing wrong

Try using the following snippet and replace into your original code:

$cmd = "ffmpeg -i ".$video_name." -i watermark.jpg -filter_complex overlay=W-w-5:H-h-15[video];[video]drawtext=\"text=".$text.":fontcolor=white:fontsize=12:x=(w-text_w)-5: y=(h-text_h)-5\" ".$new_file;
$cmd = escapeshellcmd($cmd);
exec($cmd." > /path/to/stdout_file 2>&1", $output);

Also, beware of using escapeshellcmd()

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