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Angular : leaflet update marker position using firebase DB

l am try to build Angular project using Leaflet map and firebase database to retrieve coordinates. Everything is working fine. Except one thing. When i update marker position or delete from firebase database. The marker are not updating. l have to reload page to get new marker location.

Home Ts:

export class Tab1Page implements OnInit {
  map: Map;
  comingData: AngularFireList<any>;

  constructor(public af: AngularFireAuth,public db: AngularFireDatabase) { }


  // retrieve data from DB and init map 

 async leafletMap() {
    this.comingData = this.db.list("/towuser");
      map(changes =>
        changes.map(c => ({ $key: c.payload.key, ...c.payload.val() }))
    ).subscribe((a: any) => {

      if (a) {
       // init map 
        this.map = new Map('mapId').setView([33, 44], 7);
        tileLayer('https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {

       // marker icon
        var myIcon = icon({
          iconUrl: '../../assets/icon/truck.png',
          iconSize: [100, 35],

        a.forEach(po => {
          if (po.pos) {

  //   init marker position from database
     const nantes = marker([po.pos.loc.lng,po.pos.loc.long], { icon: myIcon, }).addTo(this.map)
// marker Popup
         const customPopup = `
        <div style=" direction: rtl; text-align: right; ">
        <div style=" direction: rtl; text-align: right; ">
        <span style=" color: #42d77d; font-size: initial; ">
        <strong>نوع الكرين : </strong></span>
        <span style="font-size: initial; ">${po.profile.type}</span>
const customOptions = { 'className': 'custom-popup' }
  nantes.bindPopup(customPopup, customOptions).on('click', function (e) { this.openPopup() });






How can i update marker position or delete from firebase database without reload page?

Are you deleting it from your map? because if you are deleting just one element from your map, you may need to put a method in the end of the function that make the deleting event the function leafletMap();

And in case you just need to update, make sure that you configure the event setLatLng( latlng) for that marker in question

Finally, i have solved. I have to listen to any snapshot changes into firebase database to update the marker position without reload page.

this.db.database.ref("/towuser/").on('child_changed', (t)=>{
  var markersRef =  this.db.database.ref("/towuser/"+t.key+"/").child("pos/")
  markersRef.on("child_added", (v)=>{
    let new_pos = v.val()
  markersRef.on("child_changed", (v)=>{

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