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Sorting items from DynamoDB using dynamic value?

I have thousands of items in a table. Each item has a numeric attribute score . What I want to do:

  1. Given some targetScore , select all items where targetScore - n <= score <= targetScore + n (I got this part working).
  2. Return only the first j elements where j:= ABS(targetScore - score) in ASC order.

Since the table is somewhat large, and will only grow over time, I'm hoping to have a way to delegate step #2 above to the DynamoDB engine. I'm currently selecting all item IDs from step #1, doing the computation for step #2 in process, then selecting the resulting items on a subsequent query.

You don't really need step 1 to get step 2. I'm assuming that score is a sort key in your setup.

In step 2, you want to sort the items by abs(targetScore - score) and take the j lowest ones.

Although DynamoDB doesn't have any direct way to do that, the definition of the absolute value makes it quite easy to do. First, observe that `abs(targetScore - score) is defined as follows: It is:

  1. targetScore - score if score <= targetScore
  2. score - targetScore if score >= targetsScore

So the items with the smallest abs are either items with a score higher than targetScore but as low as possible, or items with a score lower than targetScore , but as high as possible.

So, you can do two separate DynamoDB queries:

  1. Query for the first j items with score >= targetScore , sorted in increasing score .
  2. Query for the first j items with score < targetScore , sorted in decreasing score .

DynanoDB can do both queries for you efficiently and cheaply - it involves a Query with a KeyConditions parameter and a Limit , and ScanIndexForward to do decreasing sorting. But no expensive and inefficient FilterExpression !

Once you have the j smallest items of each type 1 and type 2, all that remains is to pick the overall j smallest items from these 2*j items we got.

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