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How do I integrate HubSpot data into a MySQL database automatically?

I have a HubSpot account where my team updates my customers' details in three sheets such as Contacts, activities etc. Now I want to integrate the data available in these sheets to my MySQL database.

I want the changes done in the HubSpot sheets to be automatically transferred to my MySQL database.

Is there any way to do so?

Unfortunately, there is no any direct connector between HubSpot and MySQL out of the box. You have to create all the relevant tables yourself in your MySQL database and then populate them with the desired data via HubSpot APIs, for instance , use https://legacydocs.hubspot.com/docs/methods/lists/get_lists to retrieve all contact lists.

Alternatively, you can look at some commercial solutions such as Zapier , Skyvia , Hull etc.

For example, configuration of a Zapier connector is straight forward:

  1. Sign up for free here , it will give you a chance to explore Zapier features within 2 weeks;
  2. Authenticate MySQL in Zapier -> MyApps -> Connect a new account (select MySQL) to allow Zapier to access your MySQL account;
  3. Authenticate HubSpot similar to the above step for MySQL;
  4. Pick up HubSpot app as a trigger to kick off your data sync, for example, "Contact Recently Created or Updated";
  5. Choose a resulting action from the MySQL app, for example, "Update Row";
  6. Select the data you want to send from HubSpot to MySQL;
  7. That is all, enjoy!

You can trial Zapier for 2 weeks, it should be enough to validate the integration aspect before signing up for a certain commercial plan; once logged in to Zapier you can see all available plans here .

Sequin recently launched a HubSpot/Postgres integration along the lines you're describing. There's a technical writeup describing how it works, which should be cross-applicable to MySQL.

The API strategy:

  1. Use list endpoints to establish a base state in SQL.
  2. Use /search endpoints and a stored cursor: fetch new changes and apply them to the base state.

I wrote a longer post on why we don't use the Webhooks API for this .

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