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navigation component with navigation view android

I am trying work with navigation component.
currently I have navigation view with menu.
I implement onNavigationItemSelected in navigation view and detect click by item.getItemId() when there is clicks on specific items, it do something that not navigate to fragment. for example:

 switch (item.getItemId()) {
        case R.id.nav_share:
            Intent sharingIntent = new Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEND);
            String shareBody = "shae StayTuned with friends bla bla bla and we can put app url in the google play " +
                    "if we don't will be sdk";
            sharingIntent.putExtra(android.content.Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, shareBody);
            startActivity(Intent.createChooser(sharingIntent, "Share via"));
        case R.id.nav_disconnect_user:

how I can achieve that with navigation component? thanks!

With the navigation component you don't need to manually implement a OnNavigationItemSelectedListener since the setupWithNavController() method connects destinations to menu items matching the android:id between your navigation graph and menu items.

If you use a custom NavigationItemSelectedListener you are removing the original listener. In this case you have to call NavigationUI.onNavDestinationSelected() to trigger the default behavior.

navigationView.setNavigationItemSelectedListener {
        when (it.itemId) {
            R.id.R.id.nav_share -> {
                // handle click
         //Call the original listener
         NavigationUI.onNavDestinationSelected(it, navController)

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