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Request using POST method returns a none value

I am trying to get APScheduler to return the list of jobs but it always returns a none value.


def test():

app = Flask(__name__)
scheduler.add_job(func=test, trigger='cron', hour='11', minute= '36')

@app.route('/viewjobs', methods=['POST'])
def view():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        string = str(scheduler.print_jobs())                   

if __name == '__main__':

Now when i send a POST request using curl i get None. what am i doing wrong?

If you look at the documentation , it clearly says that print_jobs() prints a formatted list of jobs to the standard output. The function call returns None . A quick fix would be to use a StringIO object as the output sink and return its contents:

buffer = io.StringIO()
return buffer.getvalue()

Disclaimer: I have not tested this in practice.

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