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Pyinstaller exe file is not working/opening

I am having a tough time overcoming this error, I have searched everywhere for that error message and nothing seems relevant to my situation:

failed to execute script main

Here main is my Flappy bird game that i made.

I ran pip install pyinstaller in the terminal provided in pycharm and after installing finished

I ran pyinstaller main.py --onefile --noconsole

After everything finished i opened the dist folder and put my assets file into into as i saw in the tutorial i was referencing form

after doing all this the persons file worked and he was able to run his game but i got the error mentioned above

Im using python 3 and the OS is win 10

any help will be greatly appreciated, Thanks.

[you can see that i have the assets folder their too but am still getting an error]

If you have imported the os , sys or re module then you will need to install pywin32 module(only if you are on WINDOWS ) to give your program os permissions.


It would be better if you can include your program code in your question.

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