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How to instruct ESLint to ignore a ruleset in a project?

In my VSCode (Win 10) I have installed the VSCode extension ESLint . On my computer is a Node project, with a JS file inside. If I open this JS file in VSCode, ESLint reports infractions from several different rule sets, including Prettier ( screenshot ). For this project only, how can I instruct ESLint to not check any of the rules in the Prettier rule set?

FYI when I open VSCode, here is a list of the extensions installed.

The .eslintrc.json file for this project contains the following:

  "extends": [
  "env": {
    "browser": true,
    "jquery": true

Note: The plugin @wordpress/eslint-plugin/recommended is a separate plugin I have added to this project, and it has rules that I want ESLint to list and report.

Inside eslintrc.js, you can omit/edit the rules you do not like, as such:

module.exports = {
  extends: 'airbnb-base',
  rules: {
    'no-console': 'off',
    'no-restricted-syntax': 'off',
    'linebreak-style': 0,
    'guard-for-in': 'off',
    'max-len': ['error', { code: 160 }],

You can override such rules inside.eslintrc.json according to

    "extends": [
    "rules": {
      "<rule1>": "off",

There are a few ways you can ignore rules from ESLint

  1. Manually specify each rule in .eslintrc file as off
    "extends": [
    "rules": {
      "<rule1>": "off",
  1. Ignore files or folder from eslint rules ie add ignorePatterns
    "ignorePatterns": ["temp.js", "**/vendor/*.js"],
    "rules": {
  1. Create .eslintignore file and exclude the files or folder from being linted by ESLint. ESLint Ignore

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