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feign client internal server exception (rest template didnt work either)

The last time i've posted i got an accessing token error. I also tried with rest template; still the same error.

"timestamp": 1597323995055,
"status": 500,
"error": "Internal Server Error",
"message": "Error requesting access token.",
"path": "/api/dashboard"


My code looks like this;


public class LexcorpIntegrationController {
  private final TestServicee testServicee;

  public List<IncidentTasksResponse> getIT() {
    return testServicee.getFeign();


This is Service.class

public class TestServicee {

  private final LexcorpProxy proxy;

  private final RestTemplate restTemplate;

  public List<IncidentTasksResponse> getIT() {
    DateFilter dto = new DateFilter();

    WrapperEntity wrapperEntity =
    List<IncidentTasksResponse> tasks = wrapperEntity.getList();
    return tasks;

  public List<IncidentTasksResponse> getFeign() {
    DateFilter filter = new DateFilter();
    return proxy.getAllIncidentTasks(filter);


@FeignClient(name = "lexcorp", url = "url-is-correct")
public interface LexcorpProxy {

  List<IncidentTasksResponse> getAllIncidentTasks(DateFilter date);

The first thing i wanna say is; i use a 3rdPartyVpn to access data. But another code that i wrote (2) worked so, thats not the case here.

1- This is Spring Cloud, so it gets dependencies from another microservice etc. Later, i added dependencies in pom.xml anyways.Still didnt work.

2- Try to create simple feign application in my local. (other one is also in my local anyways) It worked. I can get data from the api.

3- The parameter that i wrote inside the client method is correct.

All answers will be appreciated. Am i missing something? Even a lil explanation would help me.

I tried everything and didnt solve the problem. I used my other application instead.

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