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How to call JavaScript function when ASP.Net validators succeed?

I have a webform with ASP.Net controls and Validators for them setup into a group. I am trying to execute some JavaScript that occurs only when the validators succeed, to prevent the user from going onto the next step of the form without completing the requirements.

However, I cannot seem to get this to work properly. The JavaScript either executes without validation completing, or the JavaScript won't execute when validated successfully. I have a sneaking suspicion that this is due to the combination of HTML Required="true" tags, and ASP.Net validators behaving differently.


<asp:TextBox ID="EmailAddress" runat="server" TextMode="Email" Required="true" ValidationGroup="Group1" />

<asp:TextBox ID="Password1" runat="server" TextMode="Password" Required="true" ValidationGroup="Group1" />
<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="valPassword" runat="server" ControlToValidate="Password1" 
    ErrorMessage="Your password doesn't meet the strength requirements" 
    ValidationGroup="Group1" ></asp:RegularExpressionValidator>

<asp:TextBox ID="Password2" runat="server" TextMode="Password" Required="true" ValidationGroup="Group1" 
<asp:CompareValidator runat="server" ControlToCompare="Password1" ControlToValidate="Password2"  
    ErrorMessage="Your entered passwords do not match." ValidationGroup="Group1" />

<asp:Button ID="btnNext" runat="server" Text=">" OnClientClick="pgNext();" ValidationGroup="Group1" />


function pgNext() {
    if (Page_ClientValidate("Group1")) {
        $('.register-page1').css('display', 'none');
        $('.register-page2').css('display', 'block');
    } else {


Call your page validator, then check if page is valid, then finally call your js function. In your button click event:


   // click code here
  //then call your js function
  Page.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "callMe", " jsFunctionNameHere();", true);


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