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Repeatable build for Lambda Layers in monorepo with Yarn Workspaces

I have pretty big monorepo, managed solely by Yarn Workspaces (no Lerna). One of the packages ("workspaces") contains a set of 3rd party NodeJS packages that we use as a shared layer for our Lambda functions, collected as dependencies in package.json of this package. Build script for this package is supposed to collect all dependencies in a zip file that will be later published by Terraform. Unfortunately, Yarn cannot build single workspace from the monorepo, so we have to use NPM directly.

Currently we do roughly the following -

  1. copy package.json to a build folder
  2. run npm install --production in this folder
  3. zip the resulting node_modules tree

My main problem with this approach (besides mixing the build tools) is that the build is not repeatable - each time we run npm install we may get newer compatible version of any dependent package, since the version is "locked" by Yarn in the top-level yarn.lock file and NPM (obviously) is not aware about it.

I'm pretty sure we are not alone in this boat. Are there any better approaches available?

It appears that while Yarn hoists all the dependencies to the node_modules of the top-level workspace, you can explicitly opt-out from this behavior for some dependencies - or, in my case, for all dependencies of the given workspace.

Yarn Workspaces configuration before:

"workspaces": [

Yarn Workspaces configuration after the change, assuming Lambda Layer dependencies are collected under common-lambda workspace:

"workspaces": {
  "packages": [
  "nohoist": [

After this change packages/common-lambda/node_modules will contain proper versions of all the dependencies to be packaged as Lambda Layer.

Note that nohoist array should contain workspace name (including namespace where applicable) and not workspace folder.

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