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How can I run c++ program with .txt file as an arguement on mac terminal?

I am trying to run a c++ program with a txt file as a command line arguement. I used chmod u+rwx filename to change the access and g++ to compile and./ to run. I am keep getting an error message saying "zsh: permission denied: ./ ". I can make unix executable file using g++, bu when I run the progrma with./ and txt file ans an arguement, it returns an error message above.
what my terminal looks like

-Air ~ % cd /Users/klee/Desktop/pa3+ect/cs1/page-link            
-Air page-link % g++ page.cpp page_rank.cpp web.cpp -o rank1
-Air page-link % ./ rank1
zsh: permission denied: ./
-Air page-link %

U can use the standard argument to get the file path and then parse the file text into a variable.

int main(int argc, char** argv) 
cout << "You have entered " << argc 
     << " arguments:" << "\n"; 

for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) 
    cout << argv[i] << "\n"; 

return 0; 

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