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I am using this cron "0 0 9 * * ?" expression for scheduling task at morning 9am every day,

but problem is that task is triggering two times, one at morning 9am and second one at 2:30 afternoon, below is my code

@Service public class NotificationScheduler {

private UsersService userService;

private SendSMS sendSms;

@Scheduled(cron = "0 0 9 * * ?")
public void sendSmsNotifictaion() {
    DecimalFormat deciFormat = new DecimalFormat(); 
    List<Users> userList=userService.getAllUserByIsNotSuAcc();
    userList.forEach(obj -> {
        String updatemsg="UPDATE:+Commission+Wallet+balance+for+"+obj.getName()+"+(AGENT+ID+"+obj.getId()+")+on+"+BaseDateUtil.getDateYYYYMMDD(new Date())+"+is+Rs.+"+deciFormat.format(BaseUtil.getDouble(obj.getBalance()))+".+Log+in+to+Spark+OMOB+to+view+and+transfer+balance.+Thank+you+for+your+trust+and+growth+with+us.+-+Spark+Team";
        sendSms.sendSMS(updatemsg, obj.getAgentmobil(), "");


Your cron should be this 0 9 * * * see cronguru for explanations

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