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Dispose NLog in Azure Function

I want to add NLog in Azure Functions Startup class like below:

public class Startup : FunctionsStartup {
    public Startup()
        var logger = NLogBuilder.ConfigureNLog("nlog.config").GetCurrentClassLogger();
    public override void Configure(IFunctionsHostBuilder builder) {
        ... other setup code
        builder.Services.AddLogging((loggingBuilder) =>

According to Nlog, you should manually shutdown the logger using NLog.LogManager.Shutdown() . How to dispose NLog in Azure Function?

If I understand your question correctly, you want to Shutdown NLog when Azure Function instance gets disposed. In this case, you can do something like below:

public class Startup : FunctionsStartup {
    public Startup()
        var logger = LogManager.Setup()
           .SetupExtensions(e => e.AutoLoadAssemblies(false))
           .LoadConfigurationFromFile("nlog.config", optional: false)
           .LoadConfiguration(builder => builder.LogFactory.AutoShutdown = false)

    public override void Configure(IFunctionsHostBuilder builder) {
        // other setup code
        builder.Services.AddLogging((loggingBuilder) =>
            loggingBuilder.AddNLog(new NLogProviderOptions() { ShutdownOnDispose = true });

Now NLog will hook into the lifetime of Microsoft Extension Logging (Disabling AutoShutdown and enable ShutdownOnDispose )

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