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An unhandled exception of type 'System.TypeInitializationException' occurred in AnyStore1.exe

project execute successfully, but when i click on purchase or sales option of my project then project suddenly crashes and error occurs.i want to save all the the transection entered through save button into the database. i'm new in c# so please help横断面细节 dal 代码

    transectionsDAL tdal = new transectionsDAL();
    transectionDetailDAL tdDAL = new transectionDetailDAL();
    using(TransactionScope scope=new TransactionScope())
            int transactionID = -1;
            bool w = tdal.Insert_Transection(transection,out transactionID);
            for(int i = 0; i < transectiondt.Rows.Count; i++)
                transectionDetailBLL transactiondetail = new transectionDetailBLL();
                string productname = transectiondt.Rows[i][0].ToString();
                productsBLL p = pdal.GetproductIDFromName(productname);

                transactiondetail.product_id = p.id;
                transactiondetail.rate = decimal.Parse(transectiondt.Rows[i][1].ToString());
                transactiondetail.qty = decimal.Parse(transectiondt.Rows[i][2].ToString());
                transactiondetail.total = Math.Round(decimal.Parse(transectiondt.Rows[i][3].ToString()),2);
                transactiondetail.dea_cust_id = dc.id;
                transactiondetail.added_date = DateTime.Now;
                transactiondetail.dea_cust_id = u.id;
                bool y = tdDAL.InsertTransectionDetail(transactiondetail);
                success = w && y;

At first check the documentation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/do.net/api/system.typeinitializationexception?view.netcore-3.1

The exception that is thrown as a wrapper around the exception thrown by the class initializer.

That means it's either one of the deals

transectionsDAL tdal = new transectionsDAL();
transectionDetailDAL tdDAL = new transectionDetailDAL();

Or the bll

transectionDetailBLL transactiondetail = new transectionDetailBLL();

It could also be inside one of your functions

To get to the real problem, you need to inspect the real reason which is in the InnerException field.

When a class initializer fails to initialize a type, a TypeInitializationException is created and passed a reference to the exception thrown by the type's class initializer. The InnerException property of TypeInitializationException holds the underlying exception.

My suggestion for you to get the real exception would be to wrap with

try {
    /// your code here
catch (TypeInitializationException e) {
    throw e.InnerException;

Even better, debug your code line by line to see where the problem is.

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