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Azure FHIR search for resources with _include expression not supported

I'm using following Azure For API(STU3) to play around. I'm trying to get other resources linked to DiagnosticReport resource with _include param.


But I'm getting following error : { "resourceType": "OperationOutcome", "id": "af40478f6fe6de47b8e0fc4f40e698ba", "issue": [ { "severity": "error", "code": "forbidden", "diagnostics": " Include expression is not supported ." } ] }

实际上,我们刚刚发现我们在 Azure FHIR 中使用 CosmoDb,它不支持查询,因此 include revInclude 搜索参数不适用于 CosmosDb,而是适用于 SQL dbs。

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