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while Installing `yum install python -pip` getting the below error in HDP 2.5

http://s3.amazonaws.com/dev.hortonworks.com/ambari/centos6/2.x/BUILDS/ : [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 22 - "The requested URL returned error: 403 Forbidden" Trying other mirror. To address this issue please refer to the below knowledge base article


If above article doesn't help to resolve this issue please open a ticket with Red Hat Support.

Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: AMBARI. Please verify its path and try again [root@sandbox maria_dev]# cd /etc/yum.repos.d [root@sandbox yum.repos.d]# cp sandbox.repo /tmp cp: cannot stat `sandbox.repo': No such file or directory [root@sandbox yum.repos.d]#

I tried these commands in the root

[root@sandbox maria_dev]# cd /etc/yum.repos.d
[root@sandbox yum.repos.d]# cp sandbox.repo /tmp
[root@sandbox yum.repos.d]# rm sandbox.repo

I am using HDP 2.5

After deleting a repo try

yum clean all

Then try again.

Also suggest, listing the files in the directory since your error says it doesn't exist:

cd /etc/yum.repos.d 
ls -al

I had the same problem so I followed the same strategy deleting every file the error mention, I just did the same thing you did deleting sandbox.repo and copying them somewhere safe for backup. I d like to mention that I just started learning about big data and Hadoop ecosystem, this method worked and I installed python-pip on HDP 2.5 but I don't know if I'm going to face problems in the future caused by deleting those files.

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