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Get records from two date columns in db in laravel via eloquent

i have a leaves table called user_leaves in which leaves taken by users are stored, table has this structure.

id, leave_type_id, from_date, to_date, status, created_at, updated_at.

leave_type_id is basically a foreign key of types of leaves my system has.

I want to fetch all leaves taken by a user in a range of two dates like start_date and end_date (for example all leaves from 2020-08-01 to 2020-08-31 .

I want records in numbers like,

   "user_id" : 1,
   "leaves" : 
    "medical_leave" : 2,
    "earned_leave" : 5,
    "sick_leave" : 3

I used the code

                   $UserLeaves = UserLeave::whereDate('date_from', '>=', $start_date)
                            ->whereDate('date_from', '<=', $end_date)

The problem is that if i choose from_date to query my result ,and then loop through $UserLeaves to get all days between from_date and to_date for each leave_type. Their are cases when to_date may exceed my end_date and thus giving wrong data if i calculate all days between from_date and to_date.

You would do something like this

$baseQuery = $baseQuery->where(function ($query) use ($date_created_from, $date_created_to) {
    if (isset($date_created_from) && $date_created_from != '') {
        $dateFrom = Carbon::parse($date_created_from)->format('Y-m-d');
        $query->whereDate('date_column', '>=', $dateFrom);

    if (isset($date_created_to) && $date_created_to != '') {
        $dateEnd = Carbon::parse($date_created_to)->format('Y-m-d');
        $query->whereDate('date_column', '<=', $dateEnd); 


  1. $baseQuery is the query you write to perform all your selections, aggregation etc.

The above code accounts for null values and additionally you could perform additional checks before appending the query to your base query like "date from is not greater than 1 week before today".

you can use whereBetween clause and in wherebetween you can pass $from_date and $to_date as below:

$from = date('2018-01-01');
$to = date('2018-05-02');

youModal::whereBetween('column_from', [$from, $to])->get();

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