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Connect to SSH using password and Perform Some commands using shell script?

I am working on Magento 2 Project.

I did Setup Git on my server. so I can push and pull changes on server directly without using ftp.

in my local i do push changes to git. and I do pull on remote side. so I get my changes over there.

So I am thinking to create shell script that manually written command are perform one by one by just executing one script.

In Script I am thinking too.

  • Connect server using ssh. hosts name and password.
  • and then enter in project directory using cd project name.
  • and there it perform git pull command.
  • and some magento commands to update changes. (Like: bin/magento setup:upgrade etc...)

So is there any way to do something like this?

您可以通过ssh user@host 'command1;command2'在 ssh 上执行命令并使用 sshpass(但您必须以纯文本形式存储密码,这有点不可以)或设置基于密钥的身份验证(推荐)

First, you'll have to install sshpass, can install by running following command in your terminal:

sudo apt install sshpass

Now go to /home/{youruser}/ and open .bashrc file in any editor ( Press Ctrl+H, if file not visible ).

Now let's create a command alias, create a new line in .bashrc file as per your project details. For example:

alias connect-magentto=’sshpass -p “your ssh password here” ssh yourusername@yourhostname’

Copy-paste above command in .bashrc file and save it and open a new terminal. Enter “connect-magento” in the terminal and now you'll connect to the server without a copy, pasting, or typing anything.

Similarly, you can make shortcut of other commands whichever you wish to by adding in .bashrc file and giving it an alias.

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