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Parse JSON Object in spark scala

I have a set of json objects I want to read that data using a spark scala I will put a sample file data below one file contains more than 100 objects.



when I used the below code I can able to print only the first object.

val dataframe = spark
      .option("multiLine", true)

you can read the pretty jsons file by using spark wholeTextFiles API

import spark.implicits._
val input = spark.wholeTextFiles(inputFile).map(_._2)

val ouput = input.mapPartitions(records => {
    // mapper object created on each executor node (ObjectMapper is not serializable so we either create a singleton object for each partition)
    val mapper = new ObjectMapper with ScalaObjectMapper
    mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false)
     records.map(eachitem => {
        try {
            mapper.readValue(record, classOf[DTOclass])
         }catch {
           case e: Exception => null

you can use the Gson library as well instead of ObjectMapper.

note : DTOclass should be serializable

or you can clean your input pretty jsons file and can read it by spark.read.json API as mentioned here .

It seems your file doesn't have a valid Json. You can also validate it at https://jsonlint.com/ . Ideally, it should be like this


So, first we need to preprocess this file to turn it into a valid Json.

val df=sc.wholeTextFiles("/yourHDFSLocation/file1.json").toDF

Then we can read our valid json.

val ok=spark.read.schema(simpleSchema).option("multiline", "true").json("/yourHDFSLocation/correctedJson/p*")  


|id          |Name   |Sex|Destination |
|31342547689 |Jacob  |M  |Accounts    |
|987875637898|Martin |M  |Sr.Accounts |
|64542457879 |lucifer|M  |Developer   |
|23824723354 |Ratin  |M  |Sr.Developer|

Another solution, if you don't want to save an intermediate file.

val rdd=sc.wholeTextFiles("/yourHDFSLocation/file1.json")
val rdd2=rdd.map(s=>"["+s._2.replaceAll("\\}.*\n{0,}.*\\{","},{")+"]")
val ok=spark.read.schema(simpleSchema).option("multiline", "true").json(rdd2)

Hope it resolves this problem!

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