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Creating an instance of generic class, how to easily set the type to the calling class

I have a generic class LoggerHelper<T> . There are properties in many different classes in the application, whose values are to be set to instances of LoggerHelper . In the constructors of these classes, this property will be set. For example:

public class Importer
    ILogger _logger;

    public Importer()
        this._logger = new LoggerHelper<Importer>();

How can I avoid specifying the type each time? Is there are suitable pattern for this?

You could use a factory method, thus a type could be inferred by the compiler.

Static method

public static class LoggerHelperFactory
    public static LoggerHelper<T> Create<T>(T instance)
        return new LoggerHelper<T>();

Then you can call it as:

_logger = LoggerHelperFactory.Create(this);

Extension method

public static class LoggerHelperFactoryExtensions
    public static LoggerHelper<T> CreateLogger<T>(this T instance)
        return new LoggerHelper<T>();


_logger = this.CreateLogger();

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