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cant log into google signing issue in release mode for firebase flutter app

I am have a flutter app that uses firebase for auth. sign-in with google works in debug mode, but not in release mode. This is most likely an issue with signing with firebase.

Debug environment - WORKING:

buildTypes {
   release {
       signingConfig signingConfigs.debug

Release mode - NOT WORKING (Google Sign in)

signingConfigs {
   release {
       keyAlias keystoreProperties['keyAlias']
       keyPassword keystoreProperties['keyPassword']
       storeFile keystoreProperties['storeFile'] ? file(keystoreProperties['storeFile']) : null
       storePassword keystoreProperties['storePassword']
 buildTypes {
   release {
       signingConfig signingConfigs.release

I am pretty sure the issue is related to signing. I am using the release keys shown in the google play console here

and the same keys in firebase, I was sure to update the json file when I made the changes here

In Debug mode, I use the debug.keystore keys, while in the release version, I am using the keys generated from the app, which I find in the google play console. they are also found in the signing report in android studio.

So I need help figuring out how to get my release version of the app working with firebase auth. I would appreciate any help anyone can give. Thank you - Joseph

Try these things and I hope it will solve your problem.

  1. Try to verify your SHA-1 key is still corresponding between your app and firebase.

  2. Go to your firebase console, download a new version of the google-services.json file and replace the former one by it.

  3. Delete the account (eg: user@gmail.com) you're trying to connect with from the firebase authentication console.


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