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Spring Boot 2.2.4 springdoc OpenApi Swagger V3 hateoas issue

After integrating the springdoc-openapi-data-rest library to map Pageable(spring-date-commons) object to correct URL-Parameter in Swagger UI I encountered this problem:



Parameter 0 of method linkDiscoverers in org.springframework.hateoas.config.HateoasConfiguration required a single bean, but 3 were found:
    - relProviderPluginRegistry: defined by method 'relProviderPluginRegistry' in class path resource [org/springframework/hateoas/config/HateoasConfiguration.class]
    - linkDiscovererRegistry: defined in null
    - entityLinksPluginRegistry: defined by method 'entityLinksPluginRegistry' in class path resource [org/springframework/hateoas/config/WebMvcEntityLinksConfiguration.class]


Consider marking one of the beans as @Primary, updating the consumer to accept multiple beans, or using @Qualifier to identify the bean that should be consumed

Process finished with exit code 0

please how could I effectively solve this problem ? thanks

To solve this issue by adding this dependency in pom file:


Inspired by this post

Hope that this could help someone

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