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How to handle exception in flatmap - reactive spring

See this code:

  .flatMap(token -> Mono.just(addTokenToMap(token,bankCode)));

Problem here is that the method: addTokenToMap() - needs to be wrapped in try catch block - which I am looking to avoid. Is there a way to handle this with perhaps doOnError() or something similar?

If you create a functional interface and a helper method then you can make your call site avoid the try-catch.

It might be overkill if you're only needing to use it once, but if you need to do the same thing a lot then it could save you a bit of typing.

interface ThrowableSupplier<T> {
    T get() throws Throwable;

public static <T> Consumer<MonoSink<T>> sink(ThrowableSupplier<T> supplier) {
    return sink -> {
        try {
        catch (Throwable throwable) {

Your code becomes

Mono.create(sink(() -> addTokenToMap(token, bankCode)));

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