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Externalize angular configuration file ( config.json )

I have an angular application (war format) that run on a jboss application server. My actual architecture is: Front app ( angular ) and back app ( java ), the front calls back services using the rest api link, that is provided in the src/conf/config.json file. This is my app config file :

"restApiUrl": "https://jboss_host:8443/back/rest/",
"ldapAuthentication" : true

So, my needs for now ( the client need) is to externalize this config file to change the rest api link easily, without make a rebuild or redeploiment process.

I can't use any further elements in my architecture ( revers-proxy, conf server ) because it going to be a brain teaser for the client production, or api database ( the DB connection is provided by the back service ).

Please can you advise.

If you do not want load config file over http, try to use config.js file.

Rename config.json to config.js and change content to this:

var config = {
  "restApiUrl": "https://jboss_host:8443/back/rest/",
  "ldapAuthentication" : true

Then include config file into index.html in your application:

<script type="text/javascript" src="config.js"></script>

In angular application you can access to this config via (<any>window).config .

For more convenient use create ConfigService like:

@Injectable({providedIn: 'root'})
export class ConfigService {
  getConfig(): Config { // You should create some model of your config too or you can use 'any'
    return (<any>window).config;

@mpstv thank you for your replay. I was able to solve this, by using the power of java servlet. The solution was adding to the project war the WEB-INF folder ( servlet.class + web.xml ) that will charge the config file from the filesystem and serve it to the angular, while HTTP call.

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