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Create HIT using wav files

I am a new Requestor, and trying to create a new HIT based on the Audio Naturalness HTML template in https://requester.mturk.com/create/projects/new .

I would like to use wav files, and in the html file provided, I have modified the audio_url line to look like:

<!-- Your audio file URLs will be substituted for the "audio_url" variable when you publish a batch with a CSV input file containing multiple 
 audio file URLs -->
<source src="${audio_url}" type="audio/wav" />

When I'm going to publish the batch, it asks for a csv, which looks like:


However, when I go to preview the HIT, the audio files are blank, ie nothing plays.

Where am I going wrong?

This was actually an issue with hosting audio files on GitHub. I hosted them on my personal website, and it works as expected!

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