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Can't produce dates between two given dates keeping leading zero intact

I'm trying to produce all the dates between two dates. What I've written so far can produce the dates flawlessly but It kicks out leading zeros from months and days.

I've tried with:

Sub GenerateCustomizedDates()
    Dim FirstDate As Date, LastDate As Date, DateIter As Date
    FirstDate = "01/01/2012"
    LastDate = "01/30/2012"
    For DateIter = FirstDate To LastDate
        R = R + 1: Cells(R, 2) = Replace(DateIter, "/", "_")
    Next DateIter
End Sub

Output I'm having are like:


Output I wish to have:


How can I achieve the format of latter output using vba?

Use Range.NumberFormat to apply the date format (escaping the underscore _ with a backslash \\ ). Replace returns a String ; better to just apply the date formatting directly after writing the values to the sheet.

For DateIter = FirstDate To LastDate
    Dim R As Long
    R = R + 1: Cells(R, 2) = DateIter
Next DateIter

Range("B1:B" & R).NumberFormat = "mm\_dd\_yyyy"

I personally wouldn't do this, but you could also use Format(DateIter, "mm\\_dd\\_yyyy") .

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