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Geocoder getFromLocation failed

I'm trying to get placemarks from coordinates.

I'm using geoLocator for that. It was working fine today morning, but now, it throws platform exception.

PlatformException(IO_ERROR, A network error occurred trying to lookup the supplied coordinates (latitude: <lat>, longitude: <long>)., null)

It says it's a.network error, but my device is connected to the inte.net,

First, i thought there might be some problem in the Geolocator package, so i used Geocoding package, but the problem persists.

This is the error from geocoder.

Geocoder getFromLocation --- mService = android.location.ILocationManager$Stub$Proxy@e8c2197, ex = grpc failed, return results = []

Please help.

See this flutter_geocoding issue (closed): https://github.com/Baseflow/flutter-geocoding/issues/23

Two solutions presented:

  1. create a new emulator
  2. stop WiFi on the emulator, restart WiFi and let it find the network (AndroidWiFi)

Solution 2 worked for me.

I had the same problem. Try another emulator (create another emulator as if you are using another android or ios device). May be the current device that is being emulated is having problems connecting to the internet

try to add localeIdentifier parameter. works for me. my function code will be like

List<Placemark> newPlace = await GeocodingPlatform.instance.placemarkFromCoordinates(position.latitude, position.longitude,localeIdentifier: "en");

Try to WIPE DATA on your emulator. Restart it.

It works.


I've faced the same issue.
Reason - The inte.net was not working inside my emulator.
Answer - If inte.net is not working inside your emulator, cold wipe your emulator from the virtual device manager and check again.

It solved my issue.

不知道是什么问题,但我最终制作了一个新的 android 模拟器(一个新的模拟设备),它运行良好。

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