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How can I use await in ejs file?

This is not a duplicate.I would like to be able to perform await in a constancy in my ejs file, but I have the famous error: SyntaxError: await is only valid in async function in C:\\Users\\...\\dashboard.ejs while compiling ejs Could you explain to me how it works and how I can fix my code? :


  let ejsOptions = {
    // delimiter: '?', Adding this to tell you do NOT use this like I've seen in other docs, does not work for Express 4
    async: true

  // We set out templating engine.
  app.engine("html", async (path, data, cb) => {
      let html = await ejs.renderFile(path, data, ejsOptions);
      cb(null, html);
    }catch (e){
      cb(e, '');

  app.get("/dashboard", checkAuth, async (req, res) => {

    await renderTemplate(res, req, "dashboard.ejs", { perms: Discord.Permissions });

dashboard.ejs :

  let results;
    results = await bot.shard.broadcastEval(`this.guilds.cache.get('${guild.id}')`);

  if (results) {
    <a class="button is-success has-text-centered" href="/dashboard/<%= guild.id %>">Settings</a>
  <% } else { %>
    <a class="button is-primary has-text-centered" href="<%= `https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=${bot.user.id}&scope=bot&guild_id=${guild.id}&response_type=code&redirect_uri=${encodeURIComponent(`${bot.config.domain}${bot.config.port == 80 ? "" : `:${bot.config.port}`}/callback`)}` %>">Invite</a>
  <% } 

   <% }); %>
<%- include("partials/footer") %>

I have tried many methods, but when I try to use 'if' 'else' no results appear.

you get resultes data before render ejs file like this.


app.get("/dashboard", checkAuth, async (req, res) => {
    const data = await bot.shard.broadcastEval(`this.guilds.cache.get('${guild.id}')`);
    renderTemplate(res, req, "dashboard.ejs", { perms: Discord.Permissions, data });


.... your code.....

  if (data != undefined) || data != null) {
    <a class="button is-success has-text-centered" href="/dashboard/<%= guild.id %>">Settings</a>
  <% } else { %>
    <a class="button is-primary has-text-centered" href="<%= `https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=${bot.user.id}&scope=bot&guild_id=${guild.id}&response_type=code&redirect_uri=${encodeURIComponent(`${bot.config.domain}${bot.config.port == 80 ? "" : `:${bot.config.port}`}/callback`)}` %>">Invite</a>
  <% } 

   <% }); %>
<%- include("partials/footer") %>

some changes according to requirement.!!!

You need to prepare all render data needed by the template before rendering it. For your results example, it would be something like:

app.get("/dashboard", checkAuth, async (req, res) => {
    const results = await bot.shard.broadcastEval(`this.guilds.cache.get('${guild.id}')`);
    renderTemplate(res, req, "dashboard.ejs", { perms: Discord.Permissions, results });

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